Wednesday 15 June 2011

Life Drawing Term 3

Throughout this year I have learnt a lot about drawing techniques, the different times taken, for example 30 second poses. I think the experience has been really useful. Itr has helped me look at people and how they move. It is really useful for animation and helps you think more.

This is using tone

These are sketches of proportions

These are more detailed bits of parts of the body

Some quick sketches with different media, for example pen, pencil, coloured pencil and brush pen.

This is a silhouette 

Thursday 24 March 2011

This terms life drawing has been good. I have learnt a lot of things and inproved my techniques. I will continue to practice what I have learnt.

This is a 4 point perspective, I found this quite hard.

This is a technique giving a more 3D approach to sketching the figure.

Sunday 6 March 2011

This week we had a visiting lecturer Sarah Perry from Shapes in Motion see link above.
Some of the information was very interesting and brought things together for me. Other exercises I did not feel were so very useful. 
Doodles from the Shapes in Motion day.

This like a half line, half blocked out pose. I drew the blue lines with my left hand and the rest with my right.

In these sketches we just drew the torso, so as just to concentrate on this part of the body.

There we were constructing the whole body just with circles.

Sunday 20 February 2011

These are 30 second poses as a wram up, I have put them in to see if I am improving.

These are drawings withy my left hand. I find it interesting and quite fun to draw with my left hand and I will continue to draw with my left hand.

This is building up people with basic shapes. I really enjoyed this. It gives more of a 3D effect to drawings and it does not take too long to do.

This week we were looking at simple shapes, for example cubes. We were looking at how cubes, rectangles and cylinders can make up the human form. This includes a bit more about perspective.