8th December

I am not very happy with this pose. I think there is something wrong, probably with the feet.
I think that this captures movement.

This is an attempt at trying to draw a person with 5 lines.

This is a 15 second pose.
Experiments with using the edge of the pencil. I am pleased with the effect.

I started experimenting with the pencil a bit more

24th November Trip to the Science Museum

 I tried sketching a group of people, I am quite pleased with the effect.

I am pretty happy with this drawing I like the poses.
I think the legs atre a bit short on this one.
This is a child, the proportions are slightly different.
This is a man with his hands behind his back.
This is a sketch of two people holding hands. I am not sure about the position of the mans legs.

These are some of my life drawing poses. 

After looking at Michael D. Mattesi 'Force' Dynamic life drawing for animators. It is helping me to produce quicker life drawings to capture proportions and movement.

I am not very pleased with this drawing as I feel that I have the proportions wrong, with the legs too short.

This pose is showing action, but I feel the feet are in the wrong place.

I am unhappy with the legs, they are at the wrong angle.

These are scribbles on a page looking at different ways of holding the pencil.

I feel I am getting some fluidity of movement, but the hands are wrong.

These are minute poses, so they look more like stick men.

I feel there is more of a sense of movement in this pose.

Below are some sketches of poses that I liked. I foung these off other peoples blogs on the internet.